Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sleep = dreams! (Susie)

I am finding that without sleep I have nothing to write on this I will tell you about a nightmare that I had quite a bit when we first moved into our current house!
There used to be a mailbox on the corner next to Aunt Fannies (which is the fish restaurant now) It was actually a drop box for the mailman, and you couldn't put mail into it... dream was that I was chained to it and couldn't get away when I was being chased by a lion or tiger...I would have this dream quite often...I rememer waking up quite terrified after this dream!!! That is my contribution!!!!


jen. said...

Definately material for a psychoanalyst! Lots of meaning there I'm sure. Just how DID you get chained to the mailbox, anyway?

susie said...

Who knows???!!!