Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jumbled Dreams- Melissa

I have been having all sorts of weird jumbled dreams:

In one I had to go back to work for AB (I think Mike and I were divorced) and ended up as an assistant in Eureka. All these guys from high school kept coming in to tell me they had always been in love with me. (Yuck)

In another I was at M trying to sell a gift card and the computer would not work. It kept freezing up. I was so stressed about it I just started giving the woman bags full of stuff so she would not be mad.

Also had one where Katie, Tricia and I were getting ready to go somewhere. We were at Tricia's house and she had a closet as big as my bedroom. She would not let me use her razor to shave my legs and I was really mad at her. She just would not share! (this is pretty funny, I have never known Tricia to be selfish about anything)

Had one with Anita, she was sobbing, upset about something someone had said to her...never did figure out what it was.

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