The things I have done since 4:30 this morning when I woke up & could not get back to sleep.
1. Steamed the kitchen floor.
2. Emailed my friend Sandy.
3. Cried about Proposition 8.
4. Watched an entire Ben Folds Five reunion concert online.
5. Ate a bowl of cereal.
6. Browsed my high school on MySpace.
7. Emailed a high school friend I have not spoken to in 15 years.
8. Cleaned the kitchen counters & table.
9. Loaded and ran the diswasher.
10. Pruned a plant.
11. Wrote this blog.
It is now 7:26am.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sleep = dreams! (Susie)
I am finding that without sleep I have nothing to write on this I will tell you about a nightmare that I had quite a bit when we first moved into our current house!
There used to be a mailbox on the corner next to Aunt Fannies (which is the fish restaurant now) It was actually a drop box for the mailman, and you couldn't put mail into it... dream was that I was chained to it and couldn't get away when I was being chased by a lion or tiger...I would have this dream quite often...I rememer waking up quite terrified after this dream!!! That is my contribution!!!!
There used to be a mailbox on the corner next to Aunt Fannies (which is the fish restaurant now) It was actually a drop box for the mailman, and you couldn't put mail into it... dream was that I was chained to it and couldn't get away when I was being chased by a lion or tiger...I would have this dream quite often...I rememer waking up quite terrified after this dream!!! That is my contribution!!!!
Surprise- Melissa
Big surprise...last night (in my five minutes of sleep) I dreamed about slumber parties full of zillions of little girls!
Fast Times at Bathroom High - jen.
Just then a former "client" of mine walks in. She climbs into bed with me.
Let me step out of my dream for a moment to tell you about this woman. She has been in the mental health care system for decades. I would guess she is nearing 60 years of age. She is always disheveled and talks very quietly so you have to get close to her to hear anything. If she calls you a dirty, stinking whore, you know she likes you. If she does not like you, she will spread stories of how you beat and mistreat her. She yells loudly in the halls at anyone and everyone. She was always one of my favorite people to spend time with. Actually, she was a favorite of many people in the facility.
Back to the dream.
She climbs into bed with me and yells randomly at the other people in the bathroom. We talk a bit, with our heads close together, then she leaves. When she is gone, I begin yelling at the people around me without reason. I don't realize what I am doing until one of them says, "You sound just like her!"
I yell back, " I have had two husbands, three children and I am pregnant with the fourth! I can yell at whoever I want to!"
End of dream.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Jumbled Dreams- Melissa
I have been having all sorts of weird jumbled dreams:
In one I had to go back to work for AB (I think Mike and I were divorced) and ended up as an assistant in Eureka. All these guys from high school kept coming in to tell me they had always been in love with me. (Yuck)
In another I was at M trying to sell a gift card and the computer would not work. It kept freezing up. I was so stressed about it I just started giving the woman bags full of stuff so she would not be mad.
Also had one where Katie, Tricia and I were getting ready to go somewhere. We were at Tricia's house and she had a closet as big as my bedroom. She would not let me use her razor to shave my legs and I was really mad at her. She just would not share! (this is pretty funny, I have never known Tricia to be selfish about anything)
Had one with Anita, she was sobbing, upset about something someone had said to her...never did figure out what it was.
In one I had to go back to work for AB (I think Mike and I were divorced) and ended up as an assistant in Eureka. All these guys from high school kept coming in to tell me they had always been in love with me. (Yuck)
In another I was at M trying to sell a gift card and the computer would not work. It kept freezing up. I was so stressed about it I just started giving the woman bags full of stuff so she would not be mad.
Also had one where Katie, Tricia and I were getting ready to go somewhere. We were at Tricia's house and she had a closet as big as my bedroom. She would not let me use her razor to shave my legs and I was really mad at her. She just would not share! (this is pretty funny, I have never known Tricia to be selfish about anything)
Had one with Anita, she was sobbing, upset about something someone had said to her...never did figure out what it was.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

All I remember dreaming about last night was an art project I was trying to prep for. It was a pirate ship with waves in the back ground and the kids made their own designs on the sails. We also made a bunch of gold coins in a treasure box. The coins had their different spelling words on them and I made the kids chant how to spell each word.
The funny thing however is that Matt had a conversation with me when I was sleeping. He tells me it went something like this:
Me: Matt, I like your phone.
Matt: Oh, yeah? Well you can borrow it anytime you like.
Me: Don't be silly. It's old.
Matt: What does my phone look like?
Me: It's antique.
I guess I also told him it was brass, and had things on it. I don't remember telling him this! Haha
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Me - Pregnant???? Susie
I dreamed this morning that I was very tired and the reason was that I was pregnant...
I did wake up tired but NOT pregnant!!! Just too much exersize if that is possible!!!
I did wake up tired but NOT pregnant!!! Just too much exersize if that is possible!!!
Shoeless and Stealing Horses

Most of the family is there. Me and my kids, Mom & Dad, Melissa & her kids, Grandma Judy & Grandpa Floyd. We all pile into Mom's SUV to drive 1/2 a block to the Mexican restaurant. As we get out, I realize that Melissa, Grandma and I have forgotten to wear shoes. We decide not to say anything, hoping no one will notice.
The restaurant is packed. As we walk through the restaurant and to the covered patio in back, we wait for our shoelessness to be discovered by another customer or waitress. Once we reach our booth next to a window (patio with windows and booths?) , we feel safe.
The dream gets a bit fuzzy here. The next thing I remember is....
I look out the window and see dark-skinned men herding ponies, horses and bison through a marshy stream. The banks of the stream are lush and green. The animals don't seem to be enjoying their wade through the chest-deep water. The men are throwing large rocks at them to keep them there. I run out the back door of the restaurant and begin yelling at the men. They seem afraid of me and hide behind some dilapidated barns.
While they are gone, I grab a pony around the neck and drag it out of the water. I do this a few more times until all the animals seem to understand it is okay to come out.
I start running. I lead the animals through the barns. But the men have not actually run away in fear. They have been digging huge pits to trap the horses, ponies & bison! I try to guide them around the pits.........
The dream goes fuzzy again. I don't remember any more.
The second part of the dream is easy for me to figure out. I have been greatly disturbed by all the Proposition 2 propoganda. I hate seeing the commercials on television and getting the chain emails that depict abused and mistreated animals. Of course, I will vote yes on this one, I just wish there were some way to make people aware of the problem without being inundated by the horrific images.
The first part of my dream is totally unclear to me. Every single part of it is out of character for my family. We don't drive 1/2 a block. We wouldn't eat in that restaurant even if it were still in business. We wear shoes in public places.
This is what has to say. What do you think?
In general, shoes represent your approach to life. It suggests that you are well-grounded or that you are down to earth. It also represents your convictions about your beliefs. If you are changing your shoes, then it refers to your changing roles. You are taking a new approach to life. If your forget your shoes, then it suggests that you are leaving restraints behind you. You are refusing to conform to some idea or attitude.
To see old and worn shoes in your dream, signifies that through diligence and hard work, you will find success. It may also mean that you have come to grips with accepting who you are.
To see new shoes in your dream, suggests that you are overconfident in your success. Alternatively you may be on a life path that is unfamiliar to you.
To dream that you are wearing inappropriate shoes for the activity at hand, denotes that your progress and path in life will be laborious and ill-prepared. It may also indicate that you are heading in the wrong direction and need to reevaluate your goals.
To dream that you are not wearing any shoes, signifies that you have a lack of confidence in yourself and low self-assurance. You may be dealing with issues concerning your self-identity. Thus if you dream that you lose your shoes, then it suggests that you may be searching for your identity and finding/exploring who you are.
To see baby shoes in your dream, symbolizes purity, innocence, vulnerability, tenderness and the desire for love. If you are planning to have or already have a baby, then it suggests that the baby will or has grounded you. After all, with a baby to tend to, you find yourself rooted at home most of the time and not being able to go out as much.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bathing in Public-Melissa

I had a dream the other night that I needed to take a bath at Mom and Dad's house...for some reason the tub was in the den, right in front of the window. Of course there was no shade and my kids kept coming into the room. Every time I would get everyone out more people would come in.
Obviously this dream means that I have a total lack of privacy in my life!
Obviously this dream means that I have a total lack of privacy in my life!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Dream Meanings - Susie
I have always been interested when I see an article or tv show that talks about interpreting dreams! I think that it really is just a guess and kinda like fortune telling but has been kinda fun to pretend to be able to interpret!!! Sometimes Les will tell me his dream and I will tell him what I think it means!!! He thinks I might be right sometimes too!!! The other night I had a dream that I was being attacked by bats...then I was in a buffet restaurant and this lady (who is my best and worst customer) was the hostess and she was sitting down and handing out dishes over peoples heads and just being rude...I was alone and this person was trying to find a table for 1 when I told her I would just sit with anyone cause I was used to sitting with people I didn't know and eating....I remember eating a little bbq rib like they have at Lims...unfortunately I woke up before I got to sit down and eat....I could come up with many meanings of this dream!!! Especially the bats and the rude customer! But anyway what do you think about interpreting dreams?
Sleepwalking - jen.

The first time was while visiting my parents. I vaguely remember waking up and wanting to turn the t.v. off. I walked over to it and put my hand into the attached VCR. I jabbed it around in there for a few minutes before realizing this would not turn it off. After going downstairs to pee, I woke up a bit and remembered how to use the remote that had been sitting on the table next to my head the whole time.
A few days later, I got out of bed and auto-piloted to the girls' bathroom. I knew that, for some reason, I couldn't use the bathroom in my room. Sitting there, I woke up completely and couldn't quite figure out why I was there. There was no reason for me to use their bathroom instead of my own.
Maybe this new pattern is due to being pregnant and sleeping more during the day. Maybe, if I am lucky, my sleepwalking is getting more under control. I definately prefer waking on my own to hearing those embarrassing stories in the morning!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Happy Dreams - jen.

He has many faces. Most often, he is my 8th/9th grade boyfriend. Sometimes he is just the guy from the television commercial I saw before I fell asleep. It really doesn't matter who he is. He makes me feel as if I am the only human being on earth who matters.
Sigh...and then I wake up.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Happy Dream - Melissa
Last night I dreamed that I was taking Riley to school, in a car that looked suspiciously like our old blue Pontiac. When we arrived at the school the teacher came out to talk to me. She had heard we had recently moved to a new house close to school and wanted to come see it(of course this was not my actual house or Ry's school). She drove(my car) for some reason and we got lost on the way. She came into the house and sat on the couch, I went into the kitchen to get her some coffee, and Cass was there! She was cooking. I brought her to meet the teacher who's name was Lohgair (she looked and acted like Mary the crazy mail lady from M). I could not say her name correctly, but Cass made us feel at home. Matt was in the dream too, he was a little boy, wearing a white and grey shirt. I have a seen a picture of him somewhere in that shirt. Chubby cheeks, crew cut hair.
Seeing Cass in a dream made me so happy, I actually got up when my alarm woke me this morning so I would remember it all!
Seeing Cass in a dream made me so happy, I actually got up when my alarm woke me this morning so I would remember it all!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Gotta Go, Gotta Go, Gotta Go Right Now! - jen

When I do find a spot to relieve myself, I usually end up wetting my legs or shoes with pee because I am unskilled in using the hover method. Then, of course, there are no paper towels or the sink doesn't work.
I usually awake to find I really do need to pee. If I went in my dream, there is always a moment of panic before I realize I didn't go in the bed. I suppose these dreams are remnants of the anxiety I felt as a childhood bedwetter. The memories and embarassement still roam free in my brain when it should be sleeping peacefully.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Many nights I obsess about stuff and that makes me so that I can't get a solid sleep. I will think about something so much that if I do go to sleep I will wake up every hour or so and try to solve the problem...many times there is no solution so it is a big waste of a night!
Things I obsess over: (not in any order)
1. Most recently pants size...
2. Grandkids and something that needs to be taken care of in their lives!
3. Financial stuff
4. Lost things
5. Things that need to be done.
6. Things that I should have gotten done
7. Things I don't want to do.
7. Mistakes that I made
8. Concern about my Kids
9. Concern about Les
10. Concern about others in the Family
11. Concern about my friends
12. Feeling like I am not doing enough
13. Feeling like I am doing too much
14. Worry about our little Daisy and the cats
15. Wondering if I have forgotten something for this list!...
As you can see there is a lot of stuff to obsess about and I would bet that you can come up with other things too! What is weird about this is I don't really obsess so much in the daylight! If you put logical thought to most of these things there isn't anything to obsess about...but try to tell me this in the middle of the night!!!
Things I obsess over: (not in any order)
1. Most recently pants size...
2. Grandkids and something that needs to be taken care of in their lives!
3. Financial stuff
4. Lost things
5. Things that need to be done.
6. Things that I should have gotten done
7. Things I don't want to do.
7. Mistakes that I made
8. Concern about my Kids
9. Concern about Les
10. Concern about others in the Family
11. Concern about my friends
12. Feeling like I am not doing enough
13. Feeling like I am doing too much
14. Worry about our little Daisy and the cats
15. Wondering if I have forgotten something for this list!...
As you can see there is a lot of stuff to obsess about and I would bet that you can come up with other things too! What is weird about this is I don't really obsess so much in the daylight! If you put logical thought to most of these things there isn't anything to obsess about...but try to tell me this in the middle of the night!!!
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