This old woman became mad at me, found a palm tree stick (the ones with the spikes) and was beating me. I was younger than I am now, and I didn't do anything to deserve a beating. There were other kids along with me living with this woman and her husband, and we were walking on eggshells to try avoid getting beat by the two of them. The kids kept telling me to be careful not to upset anyone. We ran away and we were hiding in this old wooden shack/house. The house was floating on a swamp and we thought we were safe until some waves started flooding the house.
I then wake up.
Wow look at this creepy house that sort of matches my dream!

I know this dream was not supposed to be funny but for some reason it made me laugh...a LOT! :)
Was this the night following the rough day at work???
LOL MELISSA! ummmmm.... you're not supposed to laugh at my bad dreams. hahahaha
I think this was the night before the bad school day. haha
I am sure that Melissa wasn't laughing at you but with you!!!
You really do fit into our family! I am only having drug induced dreams right now and never remember them when I wake up!!! Bummer!!!
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