Friday, February 13, 2009

I Detest this Dream

Mike is driving, we are in our old car (in real life it only seats five people) with lots of people. I am in the middle row (only two rows in real life) behind the driver seat and Collin is in his car seat behind me. Another child is in a car seat next to me and on the other side of him/her(?) is an adult holding a very young baby in her lap. My girls are in the front seat next to Mike. For some reason we are trying to get across the lake. Mike is SURE that the car will float, and he drives it into the lake. I feel very worried about this and try to take off my seat belt so I can turn around and see Collin. Water starts to fill the car but no one else seems concerned. We are moving, I can even see the other shore of the lake. Suddenly I notice that the person with the baby in her lap is not holding the baby above water. I yell at her to hold the baby up, then everything starts moving very fast. I can't get unbuckled, I can't save anyone...

I wake up holding my breath with my heart beating very fast, and can't sleep anymore.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Total Lack of Privacy Intrudes into My Dreams

I'm on some sort of a cruise ship. I am so excited because I get to have dinner with President Obama! This ship is really crowded, and I just want to find a bathroom to fix myself up, shower, shave my legs. For some reason it is really important that I get my legs shaved. I have Collin with me on the boat, so I entrust him to a group of people (that I don't seem to know) who are heading off to the early dinner...but something goes wrong and they bring him back to me before I have a chance to find a private bathroom. So, I'm walking for miles (it's a BIG ship) going everywhere, I am desperate, I must shave before meeting the President. In the end I awake before ever finding a moment alone...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Flooded house and beaten with a stick!

Oh my! Time for some normal dreams please.

This old woman became mad at me, found a palm tree stick (the ones with the spikes) and was beating me. I was younger than I am now, and I didn't do anything to deserve a beating. There were other kids along with me living with this woman and her husband, and we were walking on eggshells to try avoid getting beat by the two of them. The kids kept telling me to be careful not to upset anyone. We ran away and we were hiding in this old wooden shack/house. The house was floating on a swamp and we thought we were safe until some waves started flooding the house.

I then wake up.

Wow look at this creepy house that sort of matches my dream!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Grandmas, Car problems, Ring

First, my grandmother couldn't hear anything I was trying to tell her. I kept trying to tell her things but she didn't understand me and she was letting my Uncle cut her hair in this awful way (she really is actually losing her hearing). She also was carrying a silver chrome like gun. Now that I'm typing this it sounds ridiculous.

Next, I try starting my car and my car won't start. The engine keeps turning and turning but it won't start completely. My brother is in the passenger seat and yells at me because he thinks we are out of gas.

Finally, I'm given a ring, but the ring is covered with cloth and string around the diamond. I don't know who the ring is from (Matt wasn't in the dream haha).

Anyway, odd stuff in this dream! I'd rather have dreams teaching art projects.