Rowan talks in her sleep a lot for a barely 3 year old. She talks very clearly and in full sentences. She usually does not remember the dreams she was having in the morning. Actually, she makes up her dreams based on whatever Lydia says she dreamed.
The first time I heard her talk in her sleep, she sat straight up in bed and yelled, "Daddy, I am not a baby! I am not a baby!" She then laid down and went back to sleep.
The second time, she was repeating, "Mommy don't do that. Don't do that to me." She seemed distressed, so I shook her to wake her up. I told her what she was saying and asked if she remembered the dream. She said, "You were putting big ants on me." Then she laughed and smiled and everything was forgotten.
This morning, she kept saying, "Rolly polies, rolly polies, rolly polies......"
I sure wish I could get into that little head and see what makes her talk so much. It looks like she will carry on the family legacy...
She is a sweet girl! Lets hope she does not start going to the bathroom everywhere like the rest of you freaks!
I know I'm not a family member by blood but I dreamt about your mom (Susie) last night. I had gone to take dinner to some people who were sick. It didn't look like they were home so I just left the car running with the door open, etc. It was in park though. Went inside the house, a lot more of the dream sequence there and then your mom shows up at the house. REALLY MAD. I guess everyone was out looking for me and couldn't get ahold of me because I was not in the running car and that freaked your mom out. I apologized profusely but she just got mad and stalked off. I woke up feeling bad.
So there you have it....you Baugh's are in our dreams everywhere.
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