Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Dreaming Work-Melissa
Last night I dreamed that I worked at AB again. I went in and didn't know anyone, told them I was the manager and got to work. YUCK! That is a nightmare. I 'woke up' from that dream (only I was not really awake, it was a dream with in a dream) and decided to go talk to the current real life manager of AB. I told her I had been dreaming about the store so she decided to show me how much everything had changed since I left there. Very strange.
I fought the bed and the bed won...Susie
I am not a good sleeper...I know that this is a surprise to everyone! If I ever had one night that was one of uninterrupted sleep I would maybe think I had died! I became a confirmed insomniac in the 80's after my brother Mark died and we were having major financial difficulties. I slept only about 3 hour max for about 3 years...it was not a happy time. I would have rather slept so that I could have escaped the yucky stuff but it just wouldn't happen. I got to the point where I dreaded night and even trying to sleep. It got to be a horrible pattern and so I would just avoid going to sleep until I was so exhausted there was no choice except to pass out. It was like a nightmare that was never going to end. I have been in a bad pattern again. Not as bad as the original time but, it seems that I have to get up at least 2 times every night if not more. My legs ache, my mind won't turn off, and I really hate just laying there tossing and turning. So I get up and wander around or lay on the couch and watch tv...I sometimes would like to forget that it is night and just start the day...I am taking several things to try and increase my serotonin, Vitamin D, 5-htp, and Homocystiene, I will give it a month to see if it helps...I get tired of taking pills if they don't seem to make a difference. I have thought about going to a sleep clinic, but I don't really snore....oh well I guess I will just always have a nocturnal part of my life! I am kinda used to it by now!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sleep Talking - Rowan

Rowan talks in her sleep a lot for a barely 3 year old. She talks very clearly and in full sentences. She usually does not remember the dreams she was having in the morning. Actually, she makes up her dreams based on whatever Lydia says she dreamed.
The first time I heard her talk in her sleep, she sat straight up in bed and yelled, "Daddy, I am not a baby! I am not a baby!" She then laid down and went back to sleep.
The second time, she was repeating, "Mommy don't do that. Don't do that to me." She seemed distressed, so I shook her to wake her up. I told her what she was saying and asked if she remembered the dream. She said, "You were putting big ants on me." Then she laughed and smiled and everything was forgotten.
This morning, she kept saying, "Rolly polies, rolly polies, rolly polies......"
I sure wish I could get into that little head and see what makes her talk so much. It looks like she will carry on the family legacy...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
baby dreams! - Susie
Okay so I have now had 2 dreams about the baby that is on the way!
In the first one the baby was a boy and was so large that when he was put into a stroller it couldn't hold him and it kept tipping over...he was at least the size of a 5 year old and very fat!
In the 2nd dream the baby was a girl and Jen was going to go to San Francisco and the baby girl needed a coat...I was very worried about the baby not having a coat....
So I guess if you are going by my dreams it is either going to be a girl or a boy, very fat and will have no coat!!! Of course if it is twins it might be a boy and a girl, and both will be fat and need a coat!!!
I might be having prediction dreams!
In the first one the baby was a boy and was so large that when he was put into a stroller it couldn't hold him and it kept tipping over...he was at least the size of a 5 year old and very fat!
In the 2nd dream the baby was a girl and Jen was going to go to San Francisco and the baby girl needed a coat...I was very worried about the baby not having a coat....
So I guess if you are going by my dreams it is either going to be a girl or a boy, very fat and will have no coat!!! Of course if it is twins it might be a boy and a girl, and both will be fat and need a coat!!!
I might be having prediction dreams!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Vague Memories - Melissa
I have been trying to remember my first dreams/nightmares. Nothing is very clear. I do remember that I used to have floating/flying dreams a lot when I was younger. I always started by jumping into the air, then it was like I was weightless. I was always excited but also scared because I knew I would have to land. It seems like the landscapes were strange, indescribably odd, like nothing ever seen before. 

More recently I had a scary dream in which an octopus was trying to grab my legs and I woke up kicking wildly. Mike slept right through it!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Nightmare memories... - Susie
The first nightmare that I remember wasn't really the dream part...my mom had always said "you can come and wake me up if you are scared in the night" so one night when I was about 8 or 9 I had a bad dream and woke up and went to my mom's room. Unfortunately, my mom was having a nightmare at the same time and screamed "Look out behind you" just as I came in her door. We had this contraption that was called a Mangle sitting in the hallway and it was piled with stuff so in the dark it looked scarry and so I screamed, ran back to my bedroom and got under the covers and cried myself back to sleep...I wonder what we had eatten that night or if we had watched something disturbing on tv!!!
I don't remember ever going into my mom's room for comfort after a nightmare ever again!!!
I don't remember ever going into my mom's room for comfort after a nightmare ever again!!!
First Nightmares - Jen
The Count & William Katt
I still vividly remember two nightmares I had in childhood. The earliest was quite simple. The Count from Sesame Street is walking up the stairs to my bedroom as I lay helplessly in bed. His cape is partially obscuring his face and he seems much more sinister than he ever did on television. I awoke before he got to the top of the stairs.
The second was much more involved and understandably frightening. William Katt from the "Greatest American Hero" television show is chasing me through the grocery store wearing nothing but a red vest. At the end of his penis is a lobster claw. He chased me for what seemed like forever, but never caught me.
I must have had these dreams when I was quite young. Five or six for the Count, maybe 10 or 12 for William Katt. I can still see them in my mind. I wonder if I will ever forget?

The second was much more involved and understandably frightening. William Katt from the "Greatest American Hero" television show is chasing me through the grocery store wearing nothing but a red vest. At the end of his penis is a lobster claw. He chased me for what seemed like forever, but never caught me.
I must have had these dreams when I was quite young. Five or six for the Count, maybe 10 or 12 for William Katt. I can still see them in my mind. I wonder if I will ever forget?
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