Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wedding Blues

I'm the only one in the whole family who could make it to Matt & Janet's wedding.  The WHOLE Baugh family.

 As I drive to their house, I wonder why I've never been before.  I'd always thought it was too far, but the drive only takes an hour.

The wedding has been moved to Matt & Janet's house.  I'm not sure why.

As I wait for the wedding to start, I look around and feel very old.  I think I'm the oldest person there.  The only other people are Matt & Janet's friends.

No one talks to me.  I feel very uncomfortable.  Like a matronly chaperone.  I decide to wait in the basement.


Janet said...

Oh my goodness!!! Thanks for coming to support us, haha! Don't worry, that will never really happen. :)

Melissa said...

oh my! I thought only the bride had dreams about the wedding...