Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I had a dream!!

So I had this dream that I was having tons of people at my house (but it wasn't my house) and there was no toilet paper cause it had fallen into the shower that had disgusting green stuff coming out of the drain...the kids kept tearing stuff apart while I was trying to get ready for something...not sure what...and Joann Renard kept telling me that Matt needed to go back to college and get his degree so that he could help me out instead of doing his current job, I kept telling her that he needed to keep his job cause it was a great one and that he wasn't going to go back to DeVry cause they were a rip off. Is this a dream or a nightmare???


jen. said...

Sounds like your brain was working out A LOT of issues! At least you were asleep!

Melissa said...

The good news is, you were asleep long enough to actually dream!

Janet said...

hahah I hate showers with green stuff in the drain!!!! ;)