Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maybe Not So Much, After All...

I was awoken in the wee hours of the morning by cries of           "It's horrible, it's horrible!!" from Lydia.  I waited for another noise or cry.  I waited for her to come to my room.  Nothing...  So I went back to sleep.

When I asked her about it in the morning, she didn't remember a thing.  

Actually, I think we all can relate.  Those things that seem so terrible in the dark of night usually aren't so bad in the morning.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

11:19 PM...

...and the only person asleep in the house is Molly.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Car Crash

I'm in a car with this girl and she is driving around like a crazy person. She drives us right off of a hill and the car tumbles over crushing us to the ground. I'm able to push the door open and go around and get crazy driver out. We didn't even get hurt!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Teeth Are Falling Out

I notice one of my teeth is suddenly loose.  I try to remember if it is an adult tooth or not. Then it dawns on me that all my teeth are adult teeth!  As the tooth falls out, I notice another is loose, then another.  I try to keep them from falling out.  Maybe if I don't touch them...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fight Back! with David Horowitz

I woke up about 45 minutes ago (to Wave yelling for help with a poopy diaper and no wipes to be found.(Des had relocated them to the laundry room.)) in the middle of a dream about Fight Back! with David Horowitz.

 In my dream I was in the show but I couldn't remember the name of it. I remembered as soon as I woke up. David Horowitz looked like Monty Hall. I had to look up his website to remember what he really looked like.

I wonder what made my brain reach so far back into my childhood memory for such an obscure tidbit?  I haven't thought of the show in at least 2 decades.

Monday, April 12, 2010

When Daddy's Away the Babies Will Splay


Yes, that is MY bed. No, I didn't try very hard to get them out of it.
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Friday, March 26, 2010

The Kiss

I was woken early this morning by a kiss.  For most girls, this could be a dream come true.  For me, it was just a little weird.

Whilst sleeping soundly unawares, a little Rowan crept up to my side.  She planted one sweet kiss upon my lips, waking me instantly (like the prince in Snow White).  She then stood quietly by my bed until I shooed her back to her own.  Never saying a word, she left.

I'm still not sure if she was sleep-kissing or not!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The World is Ending

Matt and I are frantically looking for supplies to take for the end of the world. I don't really know why we are trying to run away from town, but we are. I can't find our sleeping bags and we have not packed any food!! We don't know what to do with the pets? Do we bring the pets? What about the frogs? What in the world are we going to do with the frogs?! I'm really stressed that we haven't talked about a meeting place with our families. Matt says we will find them. Time is running out. Oh no!! Sirens are sounding! Ahhhhh!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Little Night Walker

Rowan's nightly walks have become an expected occurrence.  Around midnight, she awakes  whimpering or crying and stumbles through the house until someone takes her to the potty and tucks her back into bed.  She talks gibberish all the while and doesn't remember a thing in the morning.

Week before last, her pattern changed.  Early Thursday morning (just past midnight), she jumped up out of my bed and ran out my bedroom door. No crying or stumbling, she seemed to know where she was headed.  I put Desmond down and followed.  I found her in the kitchen holding a package of art chalk and doing the potty dance.  I took her to the bathroom and tucked her back in as usual.  In the morning, she enjoyed the funny story, but didn't remember any of it.

Early the next morning, I heard a rustle from her room and the sound of a door.  I assumed Lydia had awoken and gone to the bathroom.  The splashing noise that followed changed my mind.  I jumped out of bed to investigate.   I found my little night walker in the laundry room, pants down, hovering over a laundry basket!  In classic Baugh style, she had found a spot to 'go' that was almost perfect, but not quite.

Since then, she hasn't walked in her sleep.  What was a guaranteed part of my early morning has completely stopped.  Let's hope she'll be a lucky one and it won't happen to her again.