Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Amy Harl

I had a dream with this girl in it that I went to junior high school with. (I might have gone to high school with her as well, but I don't really remember and don't care enough to look it up.) I won't tell you about the dream, because she was doing something not very flattering involving the one person on earth I would be happy to have hit by a bus (as long as it was fatal). Anyway, it made me think how weird it would be to Google yourself and find your name in a place like this. That would probably be pretty creepy, actually. Sorry, Amy Harl.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You did go to high school with her and I am still friends with her younger sister! Hope she doesn't google herself...although I am now going to go google myself cause I have not in a while and you never know what crazy people that you went to school with might be posting...