Mom, Dad, Lydia, Rowan and I are driving Molly to her first day of high school in Oakland. We aren't sure which school or where it is, so we just drive around until we find one. We drop her off and tell her to go inside and ask if it is the right school. We plan to wait at the curb, but then realize it is a 'No Parking' zone. We circle the block intending to come right back for her. The block turns out to be huge, with tons of kids walking the sidewalks. We notice there are several schools all in the same area. Molly is nowhere to be found when we finally get back to our starting point. We all get out and start asking people if they've seen her. Since she is new and no one knows her the only thing we can say is, "Have you seen a girl in a big, red coat?" No one seems to have seen her. We never find her.